Yes! He’s back to school!

3 Apr

The boy is alive and he has headed back to school – hooray! The fever broke last night, thank goodness, and he was more than ready to go back. It was odd, though – his calves hurt today. I’m guessing it is because he was so inactive for a few days. He basically had a “license to Wii” for three days, so he wasn’t moving very far.

Scott’s birthday is Sunday. He’s turning…wait for it…THIRTY FIVE! Can you believe the old fart? Heh. Anyway, he’s never been a big one for birthdays, but slowly I’ve been making him realize how important they are. He is an excellent father, and a great husband (when he wants to be), and he deserves to be spoiled a bit for his birthday. But only a bit, as I don’t want him getting a big head…

Anyway, it took me FOREVER to figure out what I was going to get him for his birthday. I finally ordered his present off of Amazon Monday evening, and paid for my tardiness by having to pay a lovely little rush fee. They are due to arrive today, and I’m hoping that they get here before Scott gets home from work so that the kids and I can wrap them up. I’ve also got a few surprises for him on Saturday, thanks to a number of different people, and I think I’m more excited than he is for his birthday! Of course, *I* know what’s going on, and he doesn’t.

If I hadn’t mentioned it yet, Scott’s birthday is on Sunday, my mother’s birthday is on Wednesday, and Babygirl’s 4th birthday is on Saturday! Think we’ve got enough birthdays coming up?

Now excuse me while I go bring Babygirl to preschool and have my first kid-free and spouse-free house in almost TWO WEEKS! Hooray for quiet!

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